Chilean Valleys

Central Valley

Our Pride

The Central Valley of Chile extend across three regions: Valparaíso, Libertador Bernardo O’ Higgins and Maule. All three feature similar geographies, although each one boasts its particular identity revealed in the centuries-old traditions cultivated by the first inhabitants in the countryside and along the Pacific coast.

Maule Valley

Our Pride

Surprising and representative in its wine production, this area of very old vines “heart of the Chilean countryside” has the river maule as a driver accompanies strains and musts this journey through the senses and our culture.

Casablanca Valley

Our Pride

This fertile valley is characterized by the refined preparation of white wine in its Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc varieties. There is a glass of white wine waiting for you in the many wineries that fill the beautiful vineyards of Chile’s central valley with flavor not to be missed.